Critical Essays Dramatic Structure of A Doll’s House

Notable for their lack of action, Ibsen’s dramas are classical in their staticism. Before the curtain rises, all the significant events have already occurred in the lives of Ibsen’s characters, and it is the business of the play to reap the consequences of these past circumstances. The tight logical construction of each drama is the most important factor for the play’s plausibility. With this in mind, Ibsen shows how every action of each character is the result of carefully detailed experiences in the earlier life of the person, whether in childhood, education, or genetic environment.

The author shows, for instance, that Nora’s impetuosity and carelessness with money are qualities inherited from her father. Krogstad suddenly turns respectable because he needs to pass on a good name for the sake of his maturing sons. Christine returns to town in order to renew her relationship with Krogstad. Finally, to account for Nora’s secrecy with regard to the borrowed money, Ibsen shows how Torvald’s way of life is devoted to maintaining appearances at the expense of inner truth.